Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blessings On You

I was at the post office and had 2 boxes weighing me down. A Male Stranger saw me coming in as he was coming out. He turned around and went back inside and held open the door for me, both doors actually and offered to get the third. So blessings on you Male Stranger, blessings on you.
You are so much nicer then the cranky Pack-n-Post Guy who tossed my package on the ground and told me that my other package label was NOT A UPS label.
Also nicer than the place that is charging me return shipping when I could've sworn it said it was free!

And I am not post happy today, I just wanted Male Stranger to get a little extra attention while he was still on my mind. So who ever you are Male Stranger, I will do my best to Pay It Forward.

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