Tuesday, April 28, 2009

An Open Letter

This is an Open Letter to Oil of Olay. AKA, "OLAY" because apparently "oil" is a bad thing when it comes to skin care products, even if it is from Olay, which honestly I have no clue what it is, but I always thought is was something ancient and old worldly.


Dear Makers of "Olay",

I am a multi-generational user of your base product, "Original" Active Hydrating Beauty Fluid. My Grandmother used it her entire life (god rest her soul) and my mother uses it based on her long ago recommendation. We are talking DECADES worth users. I began using it more regularly as my 35th birthday approaches. I had a bottle, that I'll admit, was several years old. But since I used only a small amount at a time, it lasted for eons. As it came to its sputtering end, I purchased a new bottle. I was very relieved to see that it was the "Original" because I know many companies feel the need to "improve" their products over the years.
That relief was short lived however.
You continued your deceit with the bottle shape, the same as always. The facade began to crumble with the new label design. It was hip, flashy, new agey. No longer the quiet trustworthy distinction of the understated. Behind the new label design lurked a more chemicalized scent. It was no longer a scent that while hugging you makes your brother exclaim, "Wow, you smell good. *pause* Actually, you smell like mom." The fluid itself was heavier and thicker. It no longer felt "greaseless" even though you say it still is. I rubbed it into my face. The frown lines I was trying to hide with your product, deepened in disappointment because of it. It is NOT the Original. Shame on you for claiming that is it. I want the Original ORIGINAL. Not something that is originally improved. It is not improved. It is an impostor. Why I ask you, change something that for generations was trusted as it was? Why???? I have not decided if I will continue to use your product after what I currently own has been depleted.
You sadden me "Olay".
You sadden and disappoint me.

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