Friday, May 14, 2010

24, you are PISSING ME OFF

First you make Jack a wuss.
Second, you make Chloe seem like an idiot and no one will listen to her.
Third, you RETREAD the SAME scenario OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Seriously! How many times does CTU hire a traitor???
And Renee. YOU WERE JUST RAPPED. Are we really suppose to believe that in a six hour period you recovered from that and everything else enough to knock boots with Jack? REALLY?
And then get KILLED??? But the doctors who work on you don't have a SPEC of blood on them?

And Now, NOW Jack freaks out more about Renee getting killed than when his WIFE was killed back in session One???????????  His wife who was ALSO RAPPED???
And I'm sorry, but Jack, you took it a little too far with the gutting of the Russian hit man. If it was in the name of National Security, ok, I can back you. But just for the sake of REVENGE???  Um, no.
24, you are not, ARE NOT making a good case for your viewers to want and go see a movie. How can you bring him back from THAT edge? HMMMMMMMMMMMM????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What annoys me is that torture is now the go-to method. Stupid 24.