Well folks, I must change BF to just F because the boy got down on one knee and proposed! So now he's a Fiance'!!!!! Now that all the hype is dying down, after only a few short days I must say, the horror stories are starting to emerge. Why do people feel the need to tell you how to avoid horrible things? Why can't they impart knowledge of saving money? Tell my how to avoid spending a fortune. Don't tell me how to avoid hating my in-laws. Ok, I can understand the need for both, really I can. But I want to hear the HAPPY, I'm already discovering the horror on my own. $80 a head?!?!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????????? I don't need braised or sauteed or glazed or fresh baby anything. Crack open some KFC Classic and their fabu biscuits and I'm good. I don't need uber fancy. I need nice. Clean dishes, clean crisp linens. Plus it doesn't help that the wedding we went to back east(marriage is over btw) has totally made the local VFW hall unacceptable as a reception venue. I
want COOL, I
want UNIQUE, I
afford, VFW.
I'm buying a lotto ticket today at lunch, I swear I am. Lunch, yes all forms of food now also must change. I have to have the fabu bridal body. (B)F is all about wanting to look "smokin hot" for our wedding. WE can't have him all smokin and me barely smouldering. *Sigh*
Plus he's telling me I can't talk wedding stuff for at least 2 weeks so we can "enjoy the engagement." He rolled his eyes after he suggested I make an Excel list labeled 'Guests', and I informed him said list was made and had already been altered several times. With over a year to plan and have various breakdowns, I'll probably drive him away.